Whistleblower Hotline

Whistleblower Hotline

ProQR Therapeutics N.V. is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity, upholding high ethical standards. We expect the same from our staff and other stakeholders, such as vendors, shareholders, consultants, partners, etc. We encourage that any wrongdoings or concerns, whether in relation to a deviation of the Code of Conduct or otherwise, are reported and that individuals feel comfortable speaking up. In addition, other stakeholders are also encouraged to report concerns via the Whistleblower Hotline

We treat reported concerns seriously and without retaliation. Concerns can be reported in accordance with ProQR Therapeutics’ Whistleblowing Policy in various ways, including via the Whistleblower Hotline which is operated by a third party SpeakUp and always available. The Whistleblower Hotline enables reporting in many countries and languages, facilitates confidential communication, and also allows for (optional) anonymous reporting. Report submitted to the Whistleblower Hotline are first reviewed by the company’s compliance officer, VP Legal, who will decide on further steps of investigation, as appropriate. Whistleblower Hotline reports may be made via the website, telephone or via (mobile) app. 

  • Web reporting: SpeakUp
  • Reporting via telephone. You may use the telephone number for the Netherlands is (+31107007503) or for the the USA (+16692887154). You must use the following organization code to submit your report: 121844
  • You can download the SpeakUp App on your mobile device. Search for “SpeakUp | Listen for a change” by People Intouch.
  • On any device using the QR code below:
QR Code ProQR Whistleblowing Channel